Eastern Body, Western Mind

Eastern Body, Western Mind

  • Eastern Body, Western Mind


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Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self A brilliant synthesis of the chakra system, Eastern Body, Western Mind provides a comprehensive and clear picture of the human body and consciousness. Each chapter focuses on a single chakra, starting with a description of its characteristics, exploring its particular developmental patterns in childhood and how it can be used to heal and maintain balance. Illustrated with personal anecdotes and case studies, the book seamlessly merges the East and West, science and philosophy and psychology and spirituality into a compelling interpretation of the chakra system and its relevance in daily life.Designed for anyone to read, be it yoga teachers, spiritual guides or even college students, Eastern Body, Western Mind takes you on a step-by-step journey toward the integration of mind, body and spirit.Anodea Judith, PhD., is the founder and director of Sacred Centers and a writer, therapist and spiritual teacher. She holds Masters and Doctor


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